Critical Regionalism


Excerpt: "This issue of Arcade examines critical regionalism in the context of recent Northwest architecture and design, but you won't find an overwheling endorsement of it in any of these articles. Instead, Frampton's theory serves as a springboard for new--possible unaswerable--questions. Exactly what is it that makes this region unique? Is regionalism too narrow a vision for the Northwest or is it how the region derives it strength? Can local architectural criticism influence the quality of regional design? Together the articles suggest that the reasons that make these questions so difficult to answer are the same reasons that make them worth asking." - Sheri Olson, Guest Editor

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Kai-uwe Bergmann, Lara Feltin, Siân Gibby, Dan Hoffman, Robert Moric, Jim Nicholls, Jeffrey Ochsner, Sheri Olson, Rico Quirindongo, Katherine Raff, James S. Russell, Dennis Ryan, Elizabeth Shotton, Rick Sundberg, Hal Tangen, Mark Travers, Glenn Weiss

Editors & Designers

Andrew Weed

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